Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Day Four...

Day 4 (Monday): No internet access today, so I'll probably be posting this some time on Tuesday. Today was a day that we just kind of played it by ear. I got up and went running. Being rather unfamiliar with the neighborhood, I wound my way up through the streets of the subdivision thinking that there was no way I could ever live in this 55 plus neighborhood. I really don't like places that only have old people. Kids are for the most part, fun to have around. It has gotten up into the seventies as far as temperature goes, and will be getting up near 80 later on in the week. However, the morning lows are quite cool--in the forties. I first went outside with just a t-shirt and basketball shorts, then decided I needed something under the t-shirt--something long-sleeved.

When I got back from the run, I showered and then made breakfast for Ann and I. Tom is on diet restrictions because of bariatric stomach reduction surgery, and he stays up way late, then gets up way late as well. He takes care of his own food. Ann and I had scrambled eggs, toast, and we each had half an orange. Since Tom cannot eat salt at all, he has none around the house and the eggs were quite bland. I added some of the Missus Dash no-salt seasonings, but that didn't do the trick, so we ended up putting ketchup on our eggs--something I frequently do anyway, but that Ann rarely does.

After that we went on a drive. Our goal was to find a used book store that I had been to in the past. I couldn't quite remember where it was, but I thought it was in downtown Mesa. We found out that because it was Martin Luther King Day, they were having a parade and we couldn't get to that part of town, at least in the morning. So we drove on down the road to see if the book store was not in the middle of downtown, but couldn't find it. I have no smart phone so I used my basic tracphone and called Rebecca and asked her to look up on the internet some locations of used book stores in the Mesa area. We found out that we were fairly close to one of them where we stopped to make the call, so we headed to that store. It was in Tempe and we found it, looked around for a while, didn't find anything we wanted to buy, so we decided we needed to head back to our lodgings, mainly because Ann wasn't doing well with her RA and needed to stay off her feet. We found a deli called Fudgeworks to pick up some lunch. They had sandwiches, soups, salads, and of course, fudge and some other dessert kind of treats. It looked like a dive and I like to find dives that have great food. This place had some really good sandwiches--certainly worth a return trip. I had the reuben (I found out that I like sauer kraut after all), and Ann had a ham and swiss. We got a small piece of fudge to try and some coconut pecan cookies. The fudge was the kind of sugary fudge and I didn't really like it. I like a smooth fudge way better. The cookies were excellent.

After lunch, I took Ann back to our abode and I went out to Wal-Mart (for some food supplies, and some yarn that Ann needed), and then to one of the other bookstores on our list. I will be going back there. I picked up a couple of books. I hope to be able to find the other book store on Wednesday, our last full day here. That one is called Bookmunds.

We picked up a pizza from Bellagio's Pizzeria. It was pretty good. I'm still feeling my back from the skiing crash, but it's getting better every day.

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