Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Longing for adventure

As the summer wears on, one thing of which I've become painfully aware is the infrequency of my outings over the first month of summer. My days off have been filled with chores, responsibilities, and not a lot of excitement. That's about to change.
The reason why it's about to change is because I'm forcing it to. My new goal is to get the lion's share of the chores done after work hours, and save my days off for relaxation in the best ways I know how: hiking, fishing, and everything else outdoors.
Unfortunately, my next day off is Independence Day. Then coming up on July 12th, I plan on hiking, hopefully with my son Ben and my grandkids. My vacation week begins on the 18th, and if I end up not being able to go camping, I plan on spending at least three of those days hiking; Mt. Raymond in the Wasatch, then some places in the Uintas. My greatest hope is that I can somehow finagle a short backpacking trip to Red Castle. If so, Mt. Raymond will be put on hold. The full moon is July 19th, and I hope to be out in the woods for sure that night. That will be quite the adventure!
August through September is the best time to hike, in my opinion, especially in the Uintas. My reason for saying so is that  by mid-August, the mosquito population has dwindled. And, it's nice to be hiking when that first taste of fall is in the air. I love it! I'll be scheduling several hikes during that part of the season.
Needless to say, I'm expecting a lot from the back end of my summer hiking season, and the only way to meet those expectations is to get those things scheduled on the calendar. With that in mind, I'm thinking if I can arrange it, I just might go out for an evening hike this Saturday, to try and catch some sunset shots.
High Uinta lake along the Kings Peak trail.

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