The world of the writer is often a lonely one. Friends say "you can't be serious". Relatives tend to agree with the friends, but put up a front of support. Searching for jobs in the writing world is an interesting proposition, with potential employers always wanting more experience than the writer has. Of course now, novel writing isn't a place that requires a lot of education or on the job experience--just a lot of hard work and dedication; a little talent would be nice too. Consider taking on jobs that you wouldn't normally do if you're serious about being a writer. For example, contact your community newspaper and offer to do articles for them. I did this once. I ended up quitting real soon after having to deal with only one digital camera that needed to be exchanged among all the reporters. It was a pain the butt trying to connect with the editor. Still, I got the experience, so if you're committed, take on these kinds of projects.